Water Conservation Projects for India’s Water Security

The Art of Living Water Conservation Team was formed in 2013, inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s vision to mitigate water crisis and develop a sustainable & long-term solution to revive dried rivers, and conserve water.

With meticulous planning, the assistance of experts, and consistent efforts, the river rejuvenation team started restoring dried-up rivers and other water sources like ponds, wells, canals, and temple tanks.

Our River Rejuvenation and Water Conservation Projects

70+ Rivers/Streams have been rejuvenated and 90,500+ Structures Built in 5 States - Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh in a short span of time and are flowing perennially.

The results proved to be a boon for farmers. It increased groundwater levels, optimized crop production, increased soil fertility and doubled farmers' income.

Increase of Water Level in Wells

70+ Rivers/Streams

Being Rejuvenated

Farmer Income is More Than Doubled

90,500+ Recharge Structures


Increase in Crop Yield

6,57,000+ Trees

Planted Along River Basins

Eliminated Crop Spoilage

3,45,00,000+ People


Increase in Employment

19,000+ Villages


Improvement in Land Usage

59,000+ Sq Kms

Area Influenced

Eliminated Crop Spoilage

8 States


Increase in Employment

Community Engagement and
Employment Generation

Generated 6.5 lac days of rural employement

Improvement in Land Usage


Resolved immediate needs created systems that ensure reliable supplies in the future

Our Multi-pronged Approach Consists of


Extensive Community Mobilization
and Capacity Building


Construction of Groundwater
Recharge Structures


Area and Drainage
Line Treatment




Soil Conservation



Boulder Check

Boulder Checks (BC) to reduce the runoff velocity of rainwater, increase soil moisture, and reduce erosion.

90,500+ structures have been built
70+ Rivers/Streams being rejuvenated

Recharge Shaft

Recharge structure known as Recharge Shafts (RS) are being used in ponds for water onservation through rainwater harvesting. RS can be used to track the surface flow of the water in ponds. Natural filter used in RS helps to filter water to go down up to 100 ft.

Recharge Well

Recharge Wells (RW) along the suitable stream network accelerates the natural process of groundwater recharge. The depth of the structure is 20 feet (about 6m) with one-metre diameter concrete rings, filled all around by jelly and gravel material.

90,500+ structures have been built
70+ Rivers/Streams being rejuvenated

Recharge Borewell

Recharge Borewells / Injection Well : for water to recharge deeper aquifers. These are shallow recharge borewells which acts like a point recharge structure. The borewells are generally drilled up to 80 to 100 m as per the reported information. They help to augment groundwater recharge into the dried up fracture horizon and lineament zones.

Sub-surface Dyke

Subsurface Dyke: is a barrier built below the ground in the active channel (permeable zone) to prevent the base flow from flowing downstream and enhance the water level on the upstream side.

Kosi River, Rampur

90,500+ structures have been built
70+ Rivers/Streams being rejuvenated


De-silting river beds and water bodies: involves the removal of silt deposited on the river bed over a period of time resulting in a reduction in water carrying capacity, it also affects water percolation rate. Desilting helps to regain the water-carrying capacity of the water body by deepening it. The silt removed from the river bed has high nutrient content which works as soil enricher if used in the farms.

Deep Contour Trenches

Trench Cum Bund : These structures are done in places where there is low rainfall less than 750 mm per year and the slopes are 8%. The purpose of Trench cum bund is to arrest soil erosion and increase the soil moisture . Examples Farm Bund/Contour Bund/EarthenBund.

Farm Ponds

Farm Ponds: are constructed at the joining entry point of the stream to the existing tank to enable the availability of surface water for cattle and other local needs. These water pools help to minimise evaporation losses and also help to collect the subsurface flow from the natural streams, as these water pools are constructed at the meeting point of streams with tanks. WP also helps to maintain the availability of water to meet the water requirements of human beings, cattle, birds, and other natural species. According to AOL authorities, these are also called "micro eco-restoration cells"


22 Rivers/Streams

being rejuvenated

34,000+ Recharge

structures built

1,557,000+ Trees


13,000+ Villages


96,685+ Sq Kms

Area Desilting

Tamil Nadu

24 Rivers/Streams

being rejuvenated

65,000+ Recharge

structures built

1400+ Villages


4,84,000+ Lives


18,085+ Sq Kms

Area Impacted

Uttar Pradesh


People Attended Water Literacy Programs


Recharge Shaft Built in 56 Ponds


Villages Benefited


Sub-surface Dyke


37 Rivers/Streams

being rejuvenated


structures built

7,28,900+ Trees


20,75,000+ People





Cubic Meters Desilted

941+ Sq Kms

Area Influenced

Andhra Pradesh

River Rejuvenation work has been started in Penna & Papagani river basins located in the Cuddapah and Ananthapur districts.
