JalTara Approach Validated Across Multiple Projects

To eradicate the water crisis in India, The Art of Living's JalTara has made undisputed efforts across multiple areas of water conservation. More than 50 villages are benefitted from the scientific approach of JalTara, where 20,000 recharge structures have been established in the past 2 years in Maharashtra.


Villages Impacted


Recharge Structures Built


Trees Planted


Acres of Land

A Scalable Approach
To The Groundwater Crisis

Transforming Impervious Earth Into
An Absorbent Sponge

The prime difficulty in the groundwater crisis is the inability of the impervious ground to hold and conserve rainwater in monsoon. To eliminate this problem, the JalTara approach create multiple recharge structures in the arable plots that can be functioned to let the rainwater bypass the impenetrable topsoil and nourish the underground aquifers.

Our scalable answer to this challenge:
"One Recharge Structure Per Acre" The unique JalTara approach is to create Recharge Structure - 6 feet deep and 4 feet across

  • At the lowest point within arable acre-plot of land
  • With two fruit bearing trees on the two sides of pit which enables rainwater to bypass the dense, impervious topsoil and recharge underground aquifers
  • An average of 500 Recharge Structure per village

Jalna Maharashtra Project

Our Projects Led to Successful Recharge of Groundwater

Before the establishment of these structures, the water levels in the wells of Jalna were measured by the team of JalTara. Farmers were involved and trained to locate the deepest point in their lands to mark the location of the structures and would even help the section and on-field geologists fill the recharge structures. As a result of the undeterred determination of farmers and the team of Art of Living, water levels increased significantly in 2022.

Team members measuring the water level in local wells

Farmers making out the lowest point in their field- in preparation for the JCB to Dig

Farmers help filling the recharge structure with stones on their land

Current water level in wells (July 2022) which have filled up faster than farmers can remember


Solving India's Groundwater Crisis Within Five Years

  • 1


  • 5

    Recharge Structures

  • In
    Five Years

will recharge

15 Trillion

per year across India
